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How To Make Related Post

Related articles / Related post very useful for the visitors of your blog, because it will be easier for visitors to read articles that still have the same topic. Even if you look at when you use the google search at the bottom there are still some search suggestions or anything related to the article you were looking for, I conclude it is something that is almost the same function as the related post or article related but perhaps different naming it.

after knowing some of the above so I agree with the master seo that install related post or article related is one of the techniques suggested seo, because Google also uses the same thing.

How to make related Post

1. Log into Blogger Template >>

2. Select the Edit HTML >> Wait until open HTML Code

3. Find the code "]]> </ b: skin>" and place the following code right above it.

     /* Related Posts --- */
    .related-post .post-thumbnail {
    z-index: 1;
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    border-radius: 5px;
    .related-post .related-post-title {
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    left: 40px;
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    width: 200px;
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    -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px #444;
    box-shadow: 0 0 2px #444;
    .related-post:hover .related-post-title {display: block;}

4. Then look up the code similar to the code below >> code search first and if there is no next find codes.

<div class='post-footer'>
        <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'/>
          <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'/>
          <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

5. If you find a code similar to the code above, copy the following code just below the above code.

<div id='related-posts'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
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    var ry='<h3>Related Posts</h3>';rn='<h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No related post available</h3>';rcomment='comments';rdisable='disable comments';commentYN='no';
    var dw='';titles=new Array();titlesNum=0;urls=new Array();timeR=new Array();thumb=new Array();commentsNum=new Array();comments=new Array();function related_results_labels(c){for(var b=0;b<c.feed.entry.length;b++){var d=c.feed.entry[b];titles[titlesNum]=d.title.$t;for(var a=0;a<;a++){if('thr$total' in d){commentsNum[titlesNum]=d.thr$total.$t+' '+rcomment}else{commentsNum[titlesNum]=rdisable};if([a].rel=="alternate"){urls[titlesNum][a].href;timeR[titlesNum]=d.published.$t;if('media$thumbnail' in d){thumb[titlesNum]$thumbnail.url}else{thumb[titlesNum]=''};titlesNum++;break}}}}function removeRelatedDuplicates(){var b=new Array(0);c=new Array(0);e=new Array(0);f=new Array(0);g=new Array(0);for(var a=0;a<urls.length;a++){if(!contains(b,urls[a])){b.length+=1;b[b.length-1]=urls[a];c.length+=1;c[c.length-1]=titles[a];e.length+=1;e[e.length-1]=timeR[a];f.length+=1;f[f.length-1]=thumb[a];g.length+=1;g[g.length-1]=commentsNum[a]}}urls=b;titles=c;timeR=e;thumb=f;commentsNum=g}function contains(b,d){for(var c=0;c<b.length;c++){if(b[c]==d){return true}}return false}function printRelatedLabels(a){var y=a.indexOf('?m=0');if(y!=-1){a=a.replace(/\?m=0/g,'')}for(var b=0;b<urls.length;b++){if(urls[b]==a){urls.splice(b,1);titles.splice(b,1);timeR.splice(b,1);thumb.splice(b,1);commentsNum.splice(b,1)}}var c=Math.floor((titles.length-1)*Math.random());var b=0;if(titles.length==0){dw+=rn}else{dw+=ry;dw+='<div class="clear"/></div><ul>';while(b<titles.length&&b<20&&b<maxresults){if(y!=-1){urls[c]=urls[c]+'?m=0'}if(commentYN=='yes'){comments[c]=' - '+commentsNum[c]}else{comments[c]=''};dw+='<div class="related-post"><div class="related-post-title">'+titles[c]+'</div><a href="'+urls[c]+'" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" class="post-thumbnail" alt="'+titles[c]+'" src="'+thumb[c]+'"/></a></div></div>';if(c<titles.length-1){c++}else{c=0}b++}dw+='</ul>'};urls.splice(0,urls.length);titles.splice(0,titles.length);document.getElementById('related-posts').innerHTML=dw};
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    <script type='text/javascript'>var maxresults=6;removeRelatedDuplicates();printRelatedLabels(&#39;<data:post.url/>&#39;);</script>
    <div class='clear'/>

  •      Red color number of articles will be shown.
6. Save your template >> Done

Now your template already own a related article or related post to allow visitors to explore your blog.

Edge Detection with multiscale products for SAR image despeckling


Recording the image that comes from Aparture Synthetic Radar (SAR) many use in various applications, but the image of the recording of many mixed the spots are very difficult to remove. This paper aims to perform edge detection in SAR image recording can effectively
maintain conditions for the removal of the edge image patches of the image. Using multiscale products without the basic information can be build a domain Stationary Bundlet Transform (SBT) to detect the edge of image and SBT is used to eliminate the interference or noise on the edges of the image. algorithm edges detection do first then proceed with building algoritam despeckling.

To calculate the threshold used,

after the parameter set of SBT. Test results when compared with Lee Filtering on conformity
higher where Region I, Lee (20.6166) and MPs SBT (66.1432) with the test other equivalent accuracy. In conclusion, this paper proposes a method Multiscale edge detection using the Product in the Domain Theatre Bundlet Transform (SBT) and the results are used for cleaning detected
patches - patches on SAR images to maintain the edge of the image during the process
removal of the patches thus this method is better than Lee Filtering.


• This method can retain the edge of image for the removal of blemishes.


• This method performs two processes that edge detection and the removal of blemishes, that time is needed for longer than using single algorithm on a large scale.


• There are good algorithms detect and descpeckling edge join to reduce the complexity of the calculations.


• Reduces spots - spots that exist on the recording of the SAR image.The proposed approach is to use a multiscale products during the reduction process can keep the edge of image patches.

The Fast Multilevel Fuzzy Edge Detection of Blurry Image


This paper proposes a method of edge lines in the image blur using a fast multilevel fuzzy edge detection. This method has two stages, the first image contrast improved by an average of fast multilevel fuzzy enhancement algorithm (FMFE). FMFE used in the threshold Q dividing the image into two regions, namely FO and FB. FO is an area with a pixel grayish High and FB area with pixel gray levels. Then calculated the average area FO and FB named AO and AB. Then transformed into a fuzzy area. Of the AO

and AB are used to obtain the degree of membership of each pixel. The second stage of extracting edge lines using a two-stage edge detection operator which identify candidates by margins of local characteristics and determine the pixel border that actually uses edge detection operator based extremum of the gradient.


Can detect the edges of image blur.


The first stage is used to improve image contrast with FMFE algorithm. The FMFE requires optimal threshold value Q. The Q divides the image into two parts, namely the pixel with the grayish pixels high and the low gray. Disadvantage if the Q not optimal, the results obtained are not optimal.


Thresholding method can obtain the optimum value of Q eg thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis.


Modify the thresholding method used to obtain the Q method thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis.

Review Edge and Texture Fusion for Plant Leaf Classification


1. summary

Plants are an important resource in life, which can be developed in the fields of industry, medicine and food. classification plants with automated digital technique, can be done simply by extraction features of the leaves. In this paper, the classification of plants is based forms and texture. Based on the theory of plant taxonomy, plants can be classified based on the shape of the leaves and flowers. However, in general, the classification is based on leaf analysis. Classification based on the shape of the flower is difficult due to the structure of interest is 3D and can only be obtained when the flowers bloom.

Feature extraction used in this paper is the Sobel edge detection and Gabor filters. In edge detection, there are three stages: filtering, enhancement, and detection. Sobel edge detection find the approximate absolute gradient magnitude at each point to detect edges. In Gabor filters have the ability to do the multi-resolution decomposition, and are ideal for segmenting texture in the spatial and spatial-frequency domains. Then the method of feature extraction are tested on classification and regression tree (CART) classifier and the Radial Basis Function (RBF) classifier. Variation of the RBF NN is better in terms of interpolation, by taking input non-linear and linear output. Cost function is usually square error is assumed to be used to evaluate the suitability of parameters. Activation function using a Gaussian function by the equation:
Where X = the input feature vector, L = number of hidden units, uj = average, and Σj = convariance matrix of the Gaussian function.

This paper shows the degree of accuracy RBF classification higher than in CART. The level of accuracy of classification in RBF squared error of 85.93 with 56.2. While the CART rate of accuracy classification of premises 79.26 67.38 squared error. So that RBF has a level squared error is smaller than CART.

2) Excess

  • Gabor filters have the ability to perform multi-resolution decomposition
  • Gabor filters are ideal for texture segmentation because it requires the simultaneous measurement the spatial and spatial-frequency domains.
  • Better in terms of RBF interpolation, taking a non-linear input and provide linear output, thus helping pemetakan complex models.
  • Sobel edge detector find the approximate absolute gradient magnitude at each point to detect edges.

3) Weakness

  • RBF output is limited to the interval (0,1)

4) Suggestions

  • Improving the classification accuracy of the proposed feature reduction technique.


Android Lollipop features are not owned iOS 8

Android and iOS are the two rulers of today's mobile operating system. Google and Apple also recently released the latest version of the mobile OS, Android 5.0 Lollipop and iOS 8.

1. Guest Mode

With this feature, Google makes an Android device can be used by many people, for example by the family. By Guest Mode, the user can lock certain features that are not used by irresponsible parties.

1 Arena 8 fighter in Super Smash Bros

Update Nintendo confirm if Super Smash Bros. was released for the Wii U platform memungknkan gamers fight up to eight players in the arena. Not only that, gamers will be able to build an arena itself for use in the game.

Previously, the Super Smash Bros. had previously launched for the 3DS platform on October 3, 204. For the Wii U, this brutal fighting game appeared on November 21, 2014.

IPhone Battery Wasteful, How to solve it?

When today's smartphones exacerbated the battery capacity, even above 3000 mAh, the last version of the iPhone 5S battery still sized 1560 mAh.

Although the actual size of the battery capacity is not the only yardstick endurance capabilities of smartphones, many are hoping the iPhone battery capacity is larger, in order to withstand wear longer.

The average person now a day seeing the smartphone 150 times. This means that the use of smartphones today will be more intense, and the battery capacity is increasingly important.

Since the iPhone's battery is internal battery, where people can not carry a spare battery unless the power of banks, there are some tips that the luggage capacity of the battery, the iPhone can be used longer.

1. Use a SIM card from the carrier signal is best fit to be your usual place. It seems trivial, but the SIM card and connect the different services, will have significant results on battery life. On an iPhone the same, with cards of different operators, can be obtained different battery life.

2. Do not set the screen brightness automatically. Changes in light ambiens in a different room, will make the screen brightness up and down automatically. It's a little inconvenient, to adjust the screen brightness manually, but these have an impact on battery consumption. Adjust the brightness of the screen with an intensity quite pleasing to the eye, but do not be too bright nor too dark so it is not convenient to use. Also set shorter, automatic time setting to turn off the screen when the device is not touched while.

3. Turn off unnecessary connections and is not being used. Such as WiFi and Bluetooth. If at home and in the office or workplace there is WiFi, moved to a WiFi network will save more battery than using a mobile.

4. Turn off both the sound and vibrate notification. Social Media that we always use and always connected, Intermittent will provide notification either sound or vibration. Setting to display a notification only truly necessary. After all, while we normally would open our cell phones. Also, turn off push email and just use the pull email, where new mail arrives when you open the email app and retrieving data.

5. Turn off location services. For the purposes of the find my iPhone, map, social media, usually equipped with location data, where we are now. Use of this service is to enable the GPS satellites and A-GPS, which requires quite a lot of power. The menu in the Settings, Privacy, Location Services.

6. Turn off the service Siri raise to speak. Also even though it looks cool, the OS 7 automatic parallax effect which gives the effect of a three-dimensional background moves, it consumes more power. To further save power, turn off this effect.

7. Turn off water service also drop and refresh the app. Some settings as above allows enough iPhone battery can be used longer limited. If you feel that the setting makes a lot of features the iPhone becomes incomplete, it is better to buy an iPhone case that doubles as an extra battery. With a battery capacity of the iPhone to be redoubled. It's just that the device will be thicker.

Why Many Force Close On Smartphones

Why is my downloaded apps are often 'force close'? What causes this to happen? When in Uninstall and re-install the same thing coming back.


There are several causes for Android smartphones issued the notification force close, and close the application that will be used. The first cause is a matter of the rest of the RAM memory that is too small. When viewed from the specifications of your Lenovo S880, which has a 512 RAM, the possibility that this is the main cause.

RAM think of it as easy, is 'street' to open and run the application. If the RAM is too full, because there are many street applications, then applications will be missed quite a force close. For example, to run the application A needs 80 MB of RAM, while the rest of us only 60MB of RAM available, then the application will force close.

Who meets the RAM? First definitely Android system itself, then the main applications such as Gmail, the smartphone UI, service packs, google search, keyboard input, it is definitely there.

Then if we do a lot of chat and social media applications, since the first smartphone powered on, the applications already running in RAM, eg Facebook, whatsapp, BBM, WeChat, etc.

The more applications that way, then the rest of the RAM will be less, and not enough for other applications open. So if we have a smartphone with limited RAM, you'll also limited the number of applications.

Some applications such as chat, would automatically own way even though we've shut it down, even though close it has helped with the memory cleaner application.

Another possibility is a mismatch causes force close the application version compatibility. Application A might be appropriate for the version of Android Jelly Bean for example, but it would be problematic if it is run on the ICS or the reverse.

Installing directly from Google PlayStore, a little more help avoid these problems, but we often use the sideloading the APK installs directly, so the compatibility issues is not in the filter.

It could also force close due to shortage of hardware facilities, such as an application that requires a front camera, but we do not have a smartphone, then when executed will not suit the needs of the hardware parameters and force close.

Often, too, because we see our internal memory is full, we move some folders to the memory card, without knowing the folder required by a specific application to run. So when the application is run, which should read the files in the folder in the internal memory, the folder is not there because it was moved from where it should be, the application will force close as well.

So try to check some condition which causes the force close your smartphone.

Currently Disconnected Mobile Power Charger Fully Charged

Has there been any charger technology on smartphones / tablets that can automatically disconnect power when the smartphone / tablet is fully charged? If true way to know how?


Most smartphones today already have the chips to keep the battery charging protection is not kept in-charge when it is full 100%. To know for sure, it is rarely or almost never presented in the accompanying specification or the specifications of its smartphones.

An easy way to estimate the device we have the circuit breaker is to observe a few things. Leave the unit in standby and in-charge when we would go to sleep. Usually about 30 minutes later when we touch smartphones tend to be warm or hot.

Leave overnight in a state in-charge. When you wake up in the morning, hold the back of the smartphone. Will be felt even in-charge overnight smartphone is now 'cool' or at normal temperature.

Some types of smartphones can display the remaining capacity of the battery in percentage figures. (For devices that do not have this feature, can download the application for free on PlayStore.) Most likely we will see that the battery is now 100% condition, when a new unplugged from the charger after charging overnight stay.

Wear the smartphone and notice, usually in a short amount of time the battery percentage would be immediately dropped. Usually the first 10%, the battery capacity will be reduced. Once the battery starts to go down a little longer.

If this is the case, chances are we have a smartphone or tablet circuit breaker, because when 2-3 hours after we left in charge, should the battery is full.

When in the morning when smartphones began to be used, the percentage of the battery is reduced immediately, actually because smartphones already in the state's "long enough since the battery charge is completed in full, which eventually consume the battery to run a variety of purposes in the background of smartphones.

Plus Minus Mirrorless Cameras vs. DSLR

DSLR and mirrorless cameras each have a different character. Maybe this information can help those who are still looking for a new digital camera or are considering moving camera system.

excess use mirrorless cameras are:

  • High Portability: I can bring more lenses without objection. Usually if you bring a set of DSLR system, my bag weighs less than 5 kg. But with a mirrorless, total weighs under 3 pounds. Light weight 2 kg significantly while streets away and up the mountain.
  • When shooting street photography in the streets, or human-interest, people do not care so much candid photograph better.
  • Mirrorless systems rely on live view and an electronic viewfinder. We can see clearly what the focus and not, could also see a dark light / exposure, histograms, color, special effects clearly. What is seen is what will be obtained. No guessing and surprised like a DSLR camera.
  • High adaptability mirrorless camera, since we can use the long lens or a lens that is not semerek with the adapter. For manual focus is more sophisticated than many DSLR cameras because mirrorless cameras have focus peaking feature
  • Can focus on any area, including the area to the edges of the photo frame with ease. In tiitk DSLR camera focus-point usually get together in the middle. Generation mirrorless camera autofocus speed in 2014 has also been rapid.

excess DSLR?

  • The optical viewfinder is more effective (clear, no glare, do not eat battery) when shooting in extremely bright conditions and darkness.
  • The handle is larger and in a more steady when held, especially when using the telephoto zoom lens. Although the current mirrorless cameras provide a wide range of accessories such as battery grip or Leathercase that I find helpful.
  • Knobs and levers DSLR cameras are usually larger and easier to find and pressed.
  • The battery capacity is higher. One DSLR camera battery at full charge is usually sufficient for a day of sightseeing, while the battery needs to be about 2-3 for mirrorless cameras.
  • Weight of the camera sometimes can help, especially when the camera is on a tripod and the wind is quite strong. DSLR camera that weighs heavier higher inertia that can stand the wind.

From the above experience, I feel both types of cameras are complementary, no type is more superior than others. There is no harm in choosing the shape and specifications of the camera according to the preferences of each.

Oppo R5 Most Thin Smartphone

In addition to N3, Oppo also released another smartphone in the launch event in Singapore. That Oppo R5 which is claimed as the thinnest smartphone in the world.

"With a thickness of 4.8 mm, Oppo R5 is currently the thinnest smartphone in the world.


Fujinon XF 56mm f / 1.2 PPE, Lenses that Can Make Melt

In addition to releasing two brand-new cameras, Fuji also launched two brand-new lens for the camera mirrorlessnya.

Both are XF 56mm F / 1.2 PPE, and XF 50-140mm F / 2.8 OIS WR. Of the two lenses, the 56mm XF was enough to attract attention.

N3 Oppo: Smart Camera Until Fingerprint Scanner

Within hours, N3 Oppo smartphone will launch in Singapore. Oppo first N series phone, N1, appeared last year with a rotating camera revolution. So, what about this time?

Oppo boasted, as the series flagship, N3 will be packed with new features that are not found on smartphones in general and also kicked off a revolution centric camera phones.

N1 is known for turning camera, wireless remote shutter O-Click and the first smartphone to use the CyanogenMod ROM as one of the special edition.

Wi-Fi signal to help predict the length of the queue at the security check in the Austin airport

Often annoyed by the long queue at the security check in the airport and sometimes worry about the possibility you could miss the plane because of the long queues?

If only you were in Downtown Austin in Texas, these concerns may be reduced with the help of new technologies that take advantage of their Wi-Fi signal or Bluetooth to monitor the length of the queue at the security check.

 Recently, the airport installed a new system that enables every location security check will show info about how long the queues in each row is at the security check so that we can know whether they have enough time for sightseeing before or not.

How to quickly recharge the battery in the phone

Along with the growing popularity of smart phones, we believe one of the routine work of the reader is rechargeable cell phone battery, right right?

This time we try to summarize a few tips on how to make a rechargeable cell phone battery can be faster, remember "time is money" if people say.

- Turn off the phone
Turn off your cell phone completely is the fastest way to refill but of course if you are still or sometimes require the phone to be used in this way is certainly not efficient.

- Activate Airplane Mode
This method is also the most well to speed up the process of charging the battery but it did not all want to use this method because the automated phone can not receive calls, SMS and email (for Wi-Fi is usually turned off as well).

- Weak signal
We already know that the cell phone signal is weak, the phone will automatically use the battery more extravagant, so is the case when we are going to refill the phone on a weak signal.

Weak signals will automatically slow recharge time mobile phone.
If possible you should turn off cell phone signals if this is indeed the case.

- Turn off the vibration (vibration)
Who would have thought that the vibration on the phone turned out to be one of the "contributors" wasteful batteries so that this feature can be turned off when you are charging the battery to speed up the recharge time.

Instead, simply activate the sound notification only if possible.

- Sleep Mode
Some people like to recharge with a condition that usually lights up the screen will display the time (hours), this feature should be turned off because it will also slow recharge time

- Close unnecessary applications

The more applications that are open or active, the more you use the memory in the phone, which means it will slow recharge time

- Turn off GPS and Bluetooth
Currently most users often enable these two features (GPS, and Bluetooth) at any time when the two are one "contributor" in the most extravagant terms of battery and includes a slow recharge time.

Actually Wi-Fi is also included anyway but maybe this one is more often than did the two things above.

- Use a charger that is plugged directly into electricity
Sometimes it is easier to refill via the USB cable plugged into the PC but as we know that the USB has very little power (except USB 3.0) so that the refill time will be longer.

We recommend using a charger that is plugged directly into electricity to accelerate time to refill

- Use the default phone charger
It is better to always use the original charger of the mobile phone in question because usually the power generated is always adjusted by the capacity of the battery in the phone.

This applies especially to your big screen mobile phone users, it's good to always use the original charger.

In addition to faster content of repeats, the original charger is also safer to use because too often we hear no cell phone exploded in the charger used is not standard, but this is certainly not always the case though.

- Use a charger with power (amperage) is greater
Somewhat counter to the way above where we actually recommends using the original charger but using a charger with power (the amount of amperes) larger will also speed up the recharge time.

Maybe you can use a charger for the tablet to recharge the phone battery charger for power which is usually larger tablet.

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