Review Game Education : Math Run

Game Description:

The development of the game is currently growing rapidly in various genres or categories, such as gaming education and non-education game. Panda run a non-educational games, while Math run an educational game that trains a person's basic math skills using the concept of running the game. Many a person who thinks that math is boring and hard to understand. Math Run can improve math skills at various levels in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division by the general standards are basic math class 4. This game can make players learn math with fun.

In this game there are many arithmetic questions to allow the player to continue or get a certain gift items. This game there are five playable characters, which determine the difficulty and type of math questions tersajikan during game play. The characters are as follows:

In this game there are also many items that can help players to finish the game. Items contained in the Mystery Cube. To get the item, the player must answer some math questions.


  1. Players only ran to avoid obstacles and get the coin.
  2. Players avoid obstacles by way of jump (touching the monitor upwards) or by means of the underlying (touching the monitor).
  3. Players can turn to the right and the left by touching the monitor to the right and left.
  4. Players can tilt the phone to the right and to the left to steer.
  5. If the player (character run) fall / hit by a turn / caught / on barriers it will be given five math problems.
  6.  Players must complete the levels in the game.
  7. Players must complete several missions in the game.

Value Education:

  • This game mengajarakan the player to complete a math problem arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) within a specified time.

Reason Top Games:

  • In this game there are several elements that make permaiannya be interesting and not boring, like karaktrer variation, variation in the level, and some missions.

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