The Fast Multilevel Fuzzy Edge Detection of Blurry Image


This paper proposes a method of edge lines in the image blur using a fast multilevel fuzzy edge detection. This method has two stages, the first image contrast improved by an average of fast multilevel fuzzy enhancement algorithm (FMFE). FMFE used in the threshold Q dividing the image into two regions, namely FO and FB. FO is an area with a pixel grayish High and FB area with pixel gray levels. Then calculated the average area FO and FB named AO and AB. Then transformed into a fuzzy area. Of the AO

and AB are used to obtain the degree of membership of each pixel. The second stage of extracting edge lines using a two-stage edge detection operator which identify candidates by margins of local characteristics and determine the pixel border that actually uses edge detection operator based extremum of the gradient.


Can detect the edges of image blur.


The first stage is used to improve image contrast with FMFE algorithm. The FMFE requires optimal threshold value Q. The Q divides the image into two parts, namely the pixel with the grayish pixels high and the low gray. Disadvantage if the Q not optimal, the results obtained are not optimal.


Thresholding method can obtain the optimum value of Q eg thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis.


Modify the thresholding method used to obtain the Q method thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis.