Carvey, 3D carving machine so that everyone can be an artist carving

First sculpture can only be done by someone who is talented but in line with advances in technology, anyone can carve carving as well as experts.

Carvey is a carving machine (carving) 3D that can be used by anyone without any engraving altogether.


Just like a 3D printer, just design it on the computer, then Carvey will do engraving desired.

We can use various materials to be carved, call it from wood, cork, plywood, acrylic, aluminum, copper, silver to gold while the size or area that we can achieve a 30.48 x 20.32 carve x 5 cm and Carvey has a resolution of 0.00254 cm. 

In Carvey purchase package also includes a software that can be used to design all forms in 2,5D (Dimension) but if you want to be cool or in 3D can use softaware CAD.

Just imagine, as well as a 3D printer, how much time can be saved with the carving machine like this and certainly there will be many experts popping carving later. :-)

The price alone this time (early bird) sold US $ 2,000.
