VMware-SAP Duet Greet An Era Of Mobile Cloud

The coming mobile era, with the increasing proliferation of devices such as Smartphones and tablets, making the companies and organizations began to make the transition of technology. Than just wearing a simple email configuration on the mobile device, towards the application and content delivery to increase the effectiveness of the end user in the era of mobile cloud.

To support such trends, VMware and SAP enhance cooperation through integration of mobile solutions portfolio of SAP Mobile place Secure. The first started as a partner solution integration with mobile place, VMware will allow consumers to develop mobile applications with SAP AirWatch made with SAP Mobile Platform.

VMware will work closely with SAP in an effort to create a standard service, for distributing applications via SAP's portfolio of Mobile Security and platform Airwatch Enterprise Mobility Management. This collaboration is expected to provide a better experience in corporate applications used in the scenario or bring your own device (BYOD).

The Administrator can also access the mobile place to select applications that are relevant to the company, enter the company's specific configuration, and distribute applications on the selected user. The User can then access the mobile place to find the desired application and then install it on the device that controlled AirWatch, without needing to contact the IT person again.

Integrate mobile place with AirWatch by VMware makes mobile application experience simpler and more secure for consumers, any mobile device management solution they already have.

The aim is to further encourage more business transformation with a mobile device.